Metal jeans has been manufacturing american made apparel since 1990. It registered the word metal for all classes of apparel and footwear in 1994.
All metal products are manufactured in america with no death camp labor.Metal jeans is a company committed to a principle of manufacturing its gear in america only. As the country slowly loses its grip on manufacturing in all industries the metal is committed to manufacturing its products in america, primarily in california and texas.
Where other companies source their products from fifth world countries under the boot of dictators and other blood thirsty savages metal maintains the integrity of its products right in america where it has to adhere to american principles and values and a code of proper conduct.
Metal is committed to unyielding support for our troops and their sacrifice in our ongoing war against terrorists. We urge everyone to click onto our links page to see all military charities and support groups we help and endorse. Again, so many other apparel companies work with totalitarian countries that have no troops allied with america and no concern with the current war on terrorism. Further some are categorized as terrorist nations that these companies use. Metal don't play that. If you chose not to purchase any metal gear at least buy american made products that like metal are certified death camp free labor.